Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Reevaluating your life

I think this time of year has most of us thinking about the changes we want to make for the new year.  Whether it be to lose a few pounds or to re-establish relationships it is important to keep in mind what's real.  I typically hear of people making new years resolutions and then later falling off the wagon.  Do what you know you'll be able to achieve.  I think when a person can be honest with themselves they will realize much more success.  It isn't realistic to set unrealistic goals.  I'm all about reaching for the stars and going beyond your limits, but you have to admit, sometimes it just isn't realistic.  I think what helps is to set little goals that will lead you to your bigger goal.  If you want to lose 50 pounds, it might seem really overwhelming and daunting to think of how much you will have to do to lose that weight.  Instead keep that in the back of your mind and focus on just losing 5 pounds to start with.  Then focus on the next 5 pounds.  That way you will eventually reach your ultimate goal, but you won't feel so overwhelmed all the time.  Setting little goals keeps us feeling successful and when we feel that way we are more likely to do more and achieve more.

Now when it comes to people I apply the same philosophy.  If you feel like over the past year you've been losing some of your friendships or it feels like maybe your friends could use a little more attention.  Well try to find that balance.  Sometimes it's easy to overdo an action because you think that will help.  I believe gradually getting to your goal is key to making it stick.  Keep the reality thing in mind.  If you can be honest with yourself and accept that maybe a particular thing is not meant to be, you may not feel so hurt at the end of it when things don't go your way.  This applies especially to people.  Sometimes you feel like you really put your whole heart and soul into a relationship only to have it crumble and fail. That's ok, you're not the only person involved.  The other person has just as much responsibility in the relationship so you should never feel like it's all your fault if you've genuinely tried your hardest.

I hope this helps when you're considering your new years resolutions and the changes you would like to make in your life.  If you take anything away from this, please remember to always ALWAYS be honest with yourself.  If you start lying to yourself, who is left to trust?

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