Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How to be happy.

I was inspired to write this post from this inspirational picture that popped up on my facebook:

I bet most of you have heard this type of advice a million times.  How many of us actually think about it and apply it to our lives.  On top of that, how many of us encourage others to apply it to theirs.  Everyone is human and it is natural to feel jealous or angry because other people have better things or a better situation.  The thing is, that's not your life.  We are all here together on this Earth, but we are all not the same person.  Worry about your own individual situation.  What is your own personal idea of happiness, not factoring in any of your friends and what they have?  Just for you. 

When I was younger I set some goals for myself.  I wanted a beautiful little family and a home full of love.  I wanted my own business and a loving husband who supported my dreams.  I wanted to be happy while I was working and in charge of my own success.  Fast forward about 20 years.  I am happily married with a beautiful baby boy.  We have a nice home, not huge, but still nice.  I have my own business that gives me back what I put in and I'm totally happy doing it.  My husband has supported me 100% of the way.  Seemingly, I have achieved all my goals.  I like to think of that list I made 20 years ago, it makes me feel so accomplished.  If I sat down and thought about how I coul dhave a bigger house, and make more money, I'd never be happy, because there's always room for more.  The key is to live in the present.  I consider my current situation and I'm the happiest I have ever been.  A lot of credit goes to my husband, he is the most wonderful person.  My soul mate.  He works very hard to provide for us.  He craves spending time with us.  I can't tell you how many times I've thanked my lucky stars he's not a football nut.  Weekends are family time period.  We don't ever make other plans.  Especially now that we're both so busy during the week. 

Anyway, I think that not taking things too seriously also helps.  Let things roll off your shoulders.  Put it in perspective, and ask yourself 'is this really as big a deal as I'm making it?' Now when you answer, be honest with yourself.  Whether you have a solution or not, there's no need to worry about it.  If you have a solution then problem solved no worrying needed.  If you don't have a solution, then problem impossible, just stop worrying and forget the things you can't fix.  This picture might help give you an idea of what I'm saying.

So's what to take away from this.  Ba happy in the present tense.  Your journey is what you make it.  Don't look back at your life and regret that you spent most of it worrying about living and not actually living it. 

Take care!

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