I really like this. It's a sign outside of a coffee shop. It has the take charge attitude that I find very important to have. I feel like, if things seem to be going the wrong way, you can take control and make things happen for yourself. You are in control! A defeated attitude doesn't benefit anybody. Own your mistakes, be honest with yourself and others, and take charge! I hear so many people say things like "She made me feel this way" or "so and so is ruining my day". This is impossible. You are allowing people to have an effect on you. You are in charge of your emotions. If someone is doing something you don't like. Accept it. That's how that person is, and you're not going to let it affect you. Worry about yourself! I think if people spent more time just worrying about their own business there would be a whole lot less drama. Don't you think so? If people weren't so sensitive all the time about what everyone else thinks and feels. It shouldn't even matter. That's just my thought. I overheard someone complaining about this type of thing, where someone did something and they ruined their party. Well, you let them, lady! Another thing that helps is to just talk about things that bother you. If someone does or says something, and you think to yourself "why did they do/say that? are they trying to say something else? are they talking about me?" Before you even go down that road, just ask that person "what did you mean by that?" I'm sure they'd be happy to clarify and then it's done and over. Otherwise you would have been worried about that for who knows how long! Remember your ultimate goal, don't lose site of that, and strive for clarity. It will simplify your life!
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