Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Quit your cryin'!

I'm talking to myself with that title!  I really want to write more and make more videos, but I'm SO busy!  Having a new baby is not easy and totally easy all at once.  Like all I want to do is be with my son and play with him and teach him things, but I also have a million other things I'd like to accomplish.  Currently I've been pouring my everything into my makeup business.  This means late night shoots and all day conferences.  It's exhausting.  On top of that I'm starting cosmo school in a couple of weeks and that is adding more to my already crammed schedule.  It's also going to be hard because it means less time with my son.  Ultimately it's all for him!  Gotta keep trekking.  I wish I could just use my degree!  I have a Bachelors in Nuclear Medicine and it was all the rage about 10 years ago but now it's just not as popular and there aren't many jobs available.  Although very helpful, nuclear medicine is an expensive modality and doctors just don't turn to it as often as they should.  Less demand, less jobs.  Oh well!  Here's to following your dreams!

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